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Foreign publications

Catalogue:  3. Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission 

1. Guidance on global scale-up of the prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV 
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Information: AIDS has become a leading cause of illness and death among women of reproductive age in countries with a high burden of HIV infection. Infants born to women living with HIV can become infected during pregnancy, labour and delivery or postpartum through breastfeeding. More than 1400 children under 15 years of age therefore become infected with HIV every day, most through mother-to-child transmission. Children account for more than 10% of all new HIV infections.The current global guidance has been developed in response to this slow, overall progress to scale up PMTCT in resource-constrained settings. It provides a framework for concerted partnerships and guidance to countries on specific actions to take to accelerate the scale-up of PMTCT. The implementation of actions recommended by this guidance aims to reinforce some recent encouraging trends in the coverage of national programmes. In 2006, at least eight countries exceeded the 40% antiretroviral prophylaxis uptake mark required to achieve the 2005 PMTCT target of the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS.
Year of publishing: 2007 
Language of document: russian  Page: 40 
Journal or place of publishing: WHO/UNAIDS  Internet - reference:  
2. HIV in Pregnancy : a review 
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Information: Most of the thirty-three million people living with HIV are in the developing world, where HIV infection in pregnancy has become the most common medical complication of pregnancy in some countries. More than 70% of all HIV infections are a result of heterosexual transmission and over 90% of infections in children result from mother-to-child transmission Almost 600 000 children are infected by mother-to-child transmission of HIV annually, over 1600 each day. In parts of southern Africa, the prevalence of HIV in pregnant women is over 30%, while rates of new infections are rising in south-east Asia and the proportion of infections occurring in women is increasing in many developed countries. Women are particularly susceptible to HIV infection for both biological and socio-cultural reasons.
The first section of the review consists of a summary of what is known about HIV in pregnancy, transmission of HIV from mother-to-child, and interventions to prevent transmission. The second part of the review provides some suggestions on the appropriate management of HIV-positive women during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum, and the third section lists guidelines for infection control and safe working conditions with regard to HIV in pregnancy. 
Year of publishing: 1998 
Language of document: russian  Page: 68 
Journal or place of publishing: WHO/UNAIDS  Internet - reference: