26.10.11 В ХМАО-Югре продолжается внедрение мультипрофессионального подхода при работе с ВИЧ-инфицированными пациентами  »

06.10.11 UNAIDS играет против жизни  »

26.09.11 Открытое письмо Т.А. Голиковой  »

07.09.11 ПРЕСС-РЕЛИЗ  »

Reference сenters


For purposes of sharing experience and advancing preventive activities among vulnerable populations, the Russian Health Care Foundation caused seven reference centres for key vulnerable groups to be put in operation.


The reference centres provide such services as:
- on-line consultations and fora
- establishment of thematic e-libraries
- information monitoring
- thematic seminars
- publishing of thematic digests

- development of databases of organisations operating in this area.


The reference centres are operated by the following organisations: