Competitions and Tenders



Подведены итоги конкурса "Повышение эффективности аутрич проектов для коммерческих секс работников (КСР)" . Экспертный Совет утвердил решение об итогах конкурса. Победителем конкурса стала региональная общественная организация "СПИДинфосвязь".

До заключения договора победителю конкурса необходимо доработать заявку с учетом рекомендаций Экспертного Совета.


Объявлен Конкурс “Создание социальных бюро для людей, живущих с ВИЧ/СПИДом, освобождающихся из мест лишения свободы”.
Приглашаем заинтересованные организации к участию.


Объявлен Конкурс "Поддержка команд, осуществляющих паллиативную помощь людям, живущим с ВИЧ/СПИДом".
Приглашаем заинтересованные организации к участию в Конкурсе.


Объявлен конкурс "Поддержка мультипрофессиональных команд, осуществляющих консультирование, формирование и сохранение приверженности у пациентов, получающих антиретровирусную терапию" для регионов 1-й фазы реализации Программы. Приглашаем заинтересованные организации принять участие в конкурсе.


Tender "Non-medical service for PLWHA"

All interested organisations are invited to participate in the Tender.

[Tender] (85 kb)


Конкурс "Повышение эффективности аутрич проектов для коммерческих секс работников (КСР)"


The Advisory Council approved the results of the tender to select recipients of grant funds for developing Direct Non-Medical Services to People Living with HIV/AIDS in the regions of Program Year 2 under the Program: Promoting a Strategic Response to HIV/AIDS – Treatment and Care for Vulnerable Populations in the Russian Federation, and awarded the grants to the following organizations:

• Positive Development Altai Kray Non-Governmental Organisation (Barnaul)
• SPARTA Support Fund against Drug Use for Young People (Rostov-on-the Don)
•Russian Red Cross (Ulyanovsk)
•Voice-Anti-AIDS Regional Non-Governmental Organisation (Republic of Bashkortostan)
•Caritas-West Charity Foundation (Kaliningrad)
•Anti-Drug Programs Non-Commercial Partnership (Perm)
•Positive Dialogue Interregional Non-Governmental Organisation/Community of People Living with HIV and AIDS (St-Petersburg)
•Kuzbass Against Drug-Use Charity Regional Civil Society Foundation (Prokopyevsk)
•Stop Alcoholism and Drug Use Charity Foundation (Balakovo)
• Megapolis Regional Non-Governmental Foundation (Saratov)
• Take Care of Yourself City Charity Foundation (Chelyabinsk)

[Tender] (85 kb)


The tender "Development of non-medical service in 2-nd year regions" is launched.
All interested organisations are invited.

[Tender] (85 kb)


The Advisory Council approved the results of the tender to select recipients of grant funds for establishing multi-professional teams to provide counselling and support for ARV treatment adherence stimulation and maintenance in the regions of Year 2 under the Program: Promoting a Strategic Response to HIV/AIDS – Treatment and Care for Vulnerable Populations in the Russian Federation, and the grants were awarded the following organizations:

Kemerovo Regional AIDS and Communicable Disease Control Centre;
Kuzbass Against Drug-Use Regional Civil Society Organisation;
Bashkortostan Regional AIDS and Communicable Disease Control Centre – 2 grants;
Rostov Regional AIDS and Communicable Disease Control Centre;
Ulyanovsk Regional AIDS and Communicable Disease Control Centre;
Anti-AIDS-Prikamye Charity Foundation;
Open World – Tolyatti
MedVAZ City Clinical Hospital # 5, City AIDS and Communicable Disease Control Centre
Anti-AIDS Territory Regional Civil Society Organisation (Rostov)
Young Leaders’ Army (Children and Youth Organisation)


A tender is announced to select contractors for establishing multi-professional teams for adherence stimulation for the regions of Program Year 2.
All interested organisations are invited to participation.

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